Dogguardian - get to know us better

28-01-2022 - the doggywattuh..? In this article we want to take you on the journey of creating our webshop, how did it start, what inspires us and what do we want to achieve?

But first the name... your tongue almost trips over it.
In principle it is a translation of our family name Engel. But the concept of 'guardian angel' does lay the foundation of our philosophy and inspiration; making sure dogs get the best they deserve.

Our love for dogs has developed over the years. It starts of course with 'I want a puppy, because they are so cute!' as a child, to building a relationship with your dog and the sense of responsibility that comes with it. They teach us what unconditional love is, they are forgiving when we (very human) lose our patience, how much fun you can have from the little things; a stick, that sunny spot on the floor or that pat on the head. But especially wanting to be with you.
The gratitude of dogs fills your heart. We have experienced this mainly during our volunteer work in dog shelters in Spain and Portugal. Even if you have not (yet) built a relationship with a dog and the animal lives in the least ideal circumstances, the love and joy in their eyes when they see you, is the word 'dog'.

"Because of the dog's joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small fit. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass?
- Mary Oliver (writer and poet)

This is what we want to achieve; enrich the lives of our dog(s) and all other dogs.

The idea of ​​a webshop started with the search for good dog products within the endless supply that can be found on the internet. The many trying out of different products, what works and what doesn't? We also found it difficult to find 100% natural snacks , which also does not consist of a mix of meat types.
All the research and the confusion of many providers can take a lot of time, we know from our own experience. "How great is it if there is a webshop that has already researched all this for me?" And that is how came into being.

Our team consists of Joe (dog trainer), Eileen (back office), our dog Stitch (friend of everyone) and our 4 cats Damian, Cee-Lo, Shenzi and Alfama (the dog and people manipulators).
What we love to do most in our free time is eat, eat, eat, take naps on our comfy sofa and go for lovely walks.

What we find important in our personal lives, we also want to translate into our professional lives. This includes; healthy food, animal welfare, sustainability and the least possible impact on the environment.
And besides that, we strongly believe in the concept of 'happy dog, happy owners and vice versa'. We like to support other dog owners by thinking along, giving tips and advice and informing about dog-related topics.
What we don't want is to compete with big web shops and their crazy range of dog supplies. We want to keep our collection relatively small, which is ultimately a complete range to make the life of the dog and the owner as pleasant as possible.

We will continue to search for products that make us as dog owners happy. Because our best friends deserve the best, right?!

And the team has grown by the end of 2023!

Jacqueline has a close connection with sustainability and animal health. In addition to being the owner of dogs Teddie and Ipa and cat TeauwTeauw, she is committed as an independent entrepreneur to a better world for people and animals. She develops educational programs for primary education on litter and climate adaptation, and occasionally teaches these topics in class himself.

For Frank, his friends Philippe and Bassie are always number 1. And they already felt how happy he was with the spirit of 'Our loyal four-legged friends feel emotions particularly well, as we as owners all know'. He is therefore happy to help other loyal friends and their owners experience the best products of this webshop. 

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